Se trata de un encaje continuo y para el que se emplean muy pocas parejas de bolillos, cuyo número se mantienen a lo largo de todo el trabajo.
Su rasgo más característico es que se trata de una cinta continua que se curva formando elegantes diseños mientras sigue un camino sinuoso.
Las uniones se hacen bien directamente cinta con cinta, o bien con trenzas. La cinta se trabaja a punto de repaso y lleva pie, adornado de puntillones, a ambos lados . Algunas veces lleva hojas de guipur.
Russian tape lace dates back to the 17th Century.
Russian lace is a continuous tape lace using few pairs of bobbins, The number of bobbins used remains small.
The essential feature of this lace is a continuous tape-like trail which follows a sinuous path, curling around to form an infinite variety of elegant designs. When tapes touch the joining is made directly using a hook. Elsewhere, the joining is by plaited bars . The trail is usually of wholestitch, and is looped along both sides with twisted stitch (forming picots). Rarely contains, some oval points d’esprit (leaves or wheatears).
Russian lace is a continuous tape lace using few pairs of bobbins, The number of bobbins used remains small.
The essential feature of this lace is a continuous tape-like trail which follows a sinuous path, curling around to form an infinite variety of elegant designs. When tapes touch the joining is made directly using a hook. Elsewhere, the joining is by plaited bars . The trail is usually of wholestitch, and is looped along both sides with twisted stitch (forming picots). Rarely contains, some oval points d’esprit (leaves or wheatears).