Recomiendo el libro a aquellas interesadas en las técnicas del bordado de malla. Antes de hacerlo sobre la malla, pasé unas cuantas horas haciendo sobre el papel los mismos ejercicios. Para mi sorpresa, al trabajarlo sobre la malla los pasos fueron saliendo. Espero que como a mí, os sea de utilidad.
A Lace Making friend gave me as a present the Filet Brode book. (as I am on holidays, when I am back at home I will give you the title). I learnt a lot on how to make the diferents points. I made a filet in order to make the exercices from the book but before it, I spent many horus doing the exercices on paper. I was surprise that when working on the filet the movements came alone. I wish you find it as useful as I did..
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