18 dic 2010

William Kay Blacklock

William Kay Blacklock (1872-1922)

Pintor en Oleo y Acuarela de escenas de género y paisajes, nació en Sunderland en 1872. Estudió en la Escuela de Arte en Edimburgo y en el Royal College of Art en Londres. Expuso sus obras en la Royal Academy, la Royal Institute de Acuarelistas y en el Royal Scottish Accademy. Se pueden encontrar obras suyas en muchas de las mejores colecciones incluyendo la Walker Art Gallery de Liverpool.


William Kay Blacklock, a painter in oil and watercolor of genre scenes and landscapes, was born in Sunderland in 1872. He studied at the School of Art in Edinburgh and the Royal College of Art in London. He exhibited works at the Royal Academy, the Royal Institute of Watercolor Painters and the Royal Scottish Academy. Examples of his works are in many leading collections including the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

"Bed´s maker"
"Sewing by a window"

"Sunlight and shadow"

"The lesson"

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