30 dic 2010

Encaje de Cluny / Cluny Lace

Se denomina encaje de Cluny a un tipo de encaje que está basado en un antiguo Encaje que se conserva en el Museo de las Artes y Artesanías Medievales de Cluny (París). Se desarrolló en la segunda mitad del S. XIX y estaba inspirado en muestras de encajes realizados en el S. XVI. Se trabajaba con hebras bastas de lino y se empleaba para aplicarla en la ropa de casa (manteles, juegos de cama, etc.).
- El fondo esta hecho de trenzas.
- Las zonas sólidas se trabajan a Punto Entero, Medio Punto ó Punto entero y giro.
- Los diseños son en su mayoría geométricos.
- Para decoración se emplean, pequeños puntillones y guipures.
El encaje se trabaja de forma simultánea.
Es sencillo de realizar, por eso muchas encajeras después de haber aprendido los puntos básicos con el Encaje Torchon, se atreven con piezas de Encaje de Cluny. Es un buen momento para practicar con los guipures y la forma de cruzarlos.


The name Cluny is given to the kind of lace of which the design is based on ancient bobbin lace preserved at the Cluny Museum of Medieval Arts and Crafts in Paris. Cluny lace was developed during the second half of the 19th century, inspired by lace samples originally worked during the 16th century. It was usually worked in coarse linen threads and used to trim household items, such as table and bed linens

The lace has certain distinct characteristics: The ground is made of plaited bars or brides. The solid parts are constructed of whole stitch, half stitch or whole stitch and twist. The designs are mostly geometric. For decoration, small picots and point d'esprit are used. The linen-stitch trail, center motif and braided mesh ground were worked simultaneously.
It's what many current-day beginners learn right after they have mastered basic Torchon techniques.
Cluny lace was developed during the second half of the 19th century, inspired by lace samples originally worked during the 16th century. It was usually worked in coarse linen threads and used to trim household items, such as table and bed linens.

Mi primer Cluny
Aprendí a hacer guipueres, cruces de guipures y los puntillones

La puntilla blanca es otra muestra de Encaje Cluny

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